The Vamber CANINE T&S IgE TEST KIT is designed to determine the levels of Total IgE (T IgE)  and Specific IgE (S IgE) against different allergens in canine serum or plasma.

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Hangzhou Antigenne Technology Co., Ltd

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Product Details

Pathological Introduction

Atopic dermatitis in dogs is always associated with a type I allergic reaction, but type I allergic reactions do not have certain symptoms that can be used to diagnosis and therefore often cause problems for veterinarians. Elevated total immunoglobulin E (total IgE, tIgE) is commonly found in the blood of dogs with Type 1 allergic reactions, so it is of great importance to test for tIgE in canine serum (or plasma). Our product can quickly screen dogs for the presence of allergens, providing veterinarians with a scientific diagnostic tool.


Current studies have shown that there is no absolute linear correlation between the severity of allergic diseases and IgE concentration, i.e. it is impossible to predict the frequency and severity of allergic diseases using IgE concentration alone, as this is due to individual differences. However, it is certain that when the concentration of IgE in dogs and cats is high, the dogs and cats have a higher risk of allergy, that is, they have allergic reactions to substances in the environment or in the diet.


Testing Methods

Currently, the detection of dog allergens includes skin test (skin scratch test or intradermal test), serum allergen-specific IgE antibody test (measuring the IgE antibody level to specific allergens), elimination feeding test, etc. but the whole process of testing is often quite lengthy, and the level of testing in domestic and abroad is not uniform. At present, ITGEN has produced the product that can complete the detection of 74 allergens and total immunoglobulin E in dogs within 20 minutes, which greatly solves the problems of customers and provides a more convenient method for pet dogs to anti-allergy.  

Operation Manual


Therapeutic Regimen

Allergen Avoidance: If a specific allergen that causes allergies in dogs has been identified, the easiest and most effective way is to avoid exposure to that allergen as much as possible. For example, if the dog is allergic to a certain food, it needs to be completely eliminated from the diet.


Medication: The doctor may recommend giving your dog antihistamines (such as chlorpheniramine), corticosteroids, or other anti-allergy medications to reduce allergy symptoms such as itching, redness, and inflammation.


Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is a long-term treatment that reduces allergy symptoms and improves tolerance to allergens by gradually exposing the dog’s immune system to the substance causing the allergy. This method usually lasts for a while and requires regular allergen injections and therefore requires veterinary guidance and supervision.


Nutrition and environmental management: Keeping the dog’s skin and coat healthy is also an important part of managing allergies. Regular bathing, cleaning the environment, and using care products appropriate for allergic dogs can all help to reduce allergy symptoms.


As Antigenne moves forward with its vision of revolutionizing animal disease detection, the launch of its brand, Vamber, marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey. With six years of industry experience, Antigenne has built a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in developing efficient and accurate diagnostic reagents.


The creation of Vamber not only reinforces the company’s commitment to quality and innovation but also serves as a testament to its unwavering dedication to improving animal health and welfare.Together, we can make a difference. Contact Antigennenow and let’s unlock the future of animal health.




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